Always feel proud to be indian.. being in india still we dont know the values and uses of herbs which we use in kitchen.. oh yeah… We call use cinnamon in chicken and mutton biriyani… know time to know about them more….
Cinnamomum Zeylanicum, is the inner bark of a small evergreen tree native to Sri Lanka and was used in ancient Egypt for embalming.
It was also added to food to prevent spoiling. During the Bubonic Plague, sponges were soaked in cinnamon and cloves and placed in sick rooms.
Test-tube or animal research does not guarantee safety or effectiveness in humans, but German health authorities (Commission E) do approve of cinnamon bark for mild gastrointestinal spasms, stimulating appetite and relieving indigestion.
- Cinnamon is a carminative, an agent that helps break up intestinal gas that has traditionally been used to combat diarrhea and morning sickness.
- Cinnamon “suppresses completely” the cause of most urinary-tract infections (Escherichia coli bacteria) and the fungus responsible for vaginal yeast infections (Candida albicans).
- Cinnamon enhances the ability of insulin to metabolise glucose, helping to control blood sugar levels.
- Cinnamon contains the anti-oxidant glutathione and a type of flavonoid called MHCP (methylhydroxy chalcone polymer).
- It is believed that cinnamon makes fat cells much more responsive to insulin, the hormone that regulates sugar metabolism and thus controls the level of glucose in the blood.
- The volatile oil in cinnamon bark may also help the body to process food by breaking down fats during digestion.
- Cinnamon oil and cinnamon extract have anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-parasitic properties.
- In both India and Europe, cinnamon has been traditionally taken as a warming herb for “cold” conditions, often in combination with ginger (Zingiber officinale).
- The herb stimulates the circulation, especially to the fingers and toes and has been used for arthritis.
- Cinnamon is also a traditional remedy for aching muscles and other symptoms of viral conditions such as colds and flue.