Marijuana-Cannabis-கஞ்சா– SCIENCE BEHIND!!

The Times of Israel reports that researchers at Tel Aviv University found that rats with broken bones healed much quicker when given the non-psychotic marijuana component, cannabidiol or CBD.The study, published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research found that the bones not only healed quicker, but were also stronger and more resilient against a repeated fracture, meaning the bones treated with marijuana were much less likely to break again.

The scientists behind the research believe that this is due to a connection between cannabinoid receptors in the human body and the stimulation of bone growth.

Dr Yankel Gabet from Tel Aviv’s Bone Research Laboratory told the Times of Israel: “We found CBD alone to be sufficiently effective in enhancing fracture healing. Other studies have shown CBD to be a safe agent, which leads us to believe we should continue this line of study in clinical trials to assess its usefulness in improving human fracture healing.” Cannabis around the world.

A number of studies have found medical advantages of marijuana. In a 2003 study by Virginia Commonwealth University, researchers said that marijuana could be used to help prevent epileptic seizures. Marijuana has also been linked to effective treatment of Multiple Sclerosis and Alzheimer’s.

Most marijuana that’s sold legally as medicine has the same ingredients as the kind that people use for pleasure. But some medical marijuana is specially grown to have less of the chemicals that cause feelings of euphoria.

Marijuana plants have hundreds of chemicals, known as cannabinoids. The two main ones are THC and CBD. THC gives some of the pleasurable effects that pot smokers are looking for, but it also has some effects that may treat medical problems.

People who smoke marijuana begin to feel its effects almost immediately, while those who eat it may not feel it for up to an hour.
When you smoke pot, THC goes from your lungs to the bloodstream and causes your brain cells to release the chemical dopamine, leaving you feeling high.

Regular smokers of medical marijuana may get respiratory problems, such as a daily cough and a higher risk of lung infections.
Studies also link routine use to mental illness, depression, anxiety, less motivation, and suicidal thoughts among young people. Marijuana use during pregnancy can raise the risk of health problems in babies. Marijuana use can result in addiction.
Medical marijuana may help ease pain, nausea, and loss of appetite in people who have cancer and HIV. There’s not a lot of research on these areas yet, though.

Some research suggests medical marijuana may cut down seizures in people with epilepsy. Some studies show it also may ease multiple sclerosis symptoms like muscle stiffness and spasms, pain, and frequent urination.
Users smoke medical marijuana in paper-rolled cigarettes or pipes.
You can also brew it into a beverage, eat it in cooked foods, or take it in pill form. The effects of a marijuana pill can be strong and long-lasting. This makes it hard to predict how it will affect a person.

You can also inhale it through vaporizers.
California voters were the first to legalize medical marijuana, in 1996. It’s now legal in almost half of U.S. states





2 Replies to “Marijuana-Cannabis-கஞ்சா– SCIENCE BEHIND!!”

  1. Good work cathy.. Quite socking for me to know marijuana have good features too… Waiting to get post abt healthy weight loss..

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